Mendota High School

2300 West Main St., Mendota, IL 61342

Phone: (815)539-7446 Bilingual: (815)539-8377 Fax: (815)539-3103

School Bus Safety

Remember that it is illegal to pass a school bus with red lights flashing and stop signs out. We have seen an increase in drivers passing buses that are dropping off kids. Please help us to keep the students of Mendota safe.

Illinois 5Essentials Survey

In an effort to improve our school, MHS is participating in the 13th annual statewide Illinois 5Essentials Survey, a questionnaire generated and distributed by the University of Chicago and supported by the Illinois State Board of Education. The survey window opened on February 18, 2025 with parents, students and teachers across Illinois having the opportunity to participate. The survey gathers data related to five indicators that can predict important student outcomes, including improved attendance and larger test score gains. These five indicators that affect and predict school success are:

• Effective Leaders

• Collaborative Teachers

• Involved Families

• Supportive Environments

• Ambitious Instruction

The research indicates that strong, effective schools contain at least three of these “5Essential” measures. Each question in the survey is designed to evaluate the effectiveness of our school against those measures. The results of this survey will be part of the district’s School Report Card. In addition, the data will be used in support of the district’s School Improvement Plan.

The survey is taken online, and most tools and browsers can be used, including smart phones. In order to receive a report of parental feedback, MHS must have at least 20% of parents respond to the survey. We ask for your input and value your opinion. Your identity and survey responses will be kept completely confidential and will never be connected with you or your child. The parent survey is comprised of approximately 26 questions and takes less than ten minutes to complete.

IMPORTANT: When attempting to access the survey, please put a space in La Salle when searching for County and School. Then search for Mendota Township High School, 2300 West Main Street, Mendota, IL

Vision 2030

Mendota Township High School #280 is proud to support the Vision 2030 blueprint for excellence in K-12 public education through future-focused learning, shared accountability, and predictable funding. To learn more about how you can support policy, legislative, and fiscal solutions to advance this goal, visit  

Bus Routes

Starting Monday, January 27 there will be a change to in-town bus routes. Students who were picked up by bus 19 from a stop in Mendota in the morning will now be picked up by bus 10.

New route information can be found at this link

Coaching Openings

MHS is looking for assistant football coaches,  F/S volleyball coach, and a football cheerleading coach. For more information email Brock Zinke.

Public Notice

Effective 8/9/2024, Public Act 103-1018 requires a website notice is posted for a period of not less than 30 consecutive days on or near the top of the website's homepage. Mendota Township High School District 280 anticipates a Truth-in-Taxation Hearing will be scheduled with the 2024 Tax Levy. A detailed legal notice will be printed in the "Mendota Reporter" newspaper. 

Homeless Services

If you or someone you know does not have a stable, regular, and safe place to live, Mendota High School can help. Please see the attached Doc for available services.

McKinney-Vento Act Services Available 

Online Registration

Online Registration is now open for the upcoming school year.

Illinois Seal of Biliteracy

Mendota High School Superintendent, Dr. Denise Aughenbaugh is pleased to announce that 20 Mendota High School students have been recognized as “2023-2024 Illinois State Seal of Biliteracy and State Commendation toward Biliteracy” scholars. See the attached press release for more information.

Seal of Biliteracy Press Release 

Health Life Safety

Mendota High School's 10 year Health Life Safety Survey was recently completed. Click the link for a message from Dr. Aughenbaugh.

HLS Press Release 

Free and Reduced Lunch

Please follow these links to the free and reduced lunch application forms

Free and Reduced Lunch Form (English) 

Free and Reduced Lunch Form (Spanish) 


Everything You Need to Know About BPACs (Bilingual Parent Advisory Councils) (Spanish)

Athletic Calendar

For the most up-to-date athletic information including cancellations please check the athletic calendar at 

MHS Custom Mobile App

Mendota High School has a custom mobile app! Search for MENDOTA HS on the Google Play store or Apple store or use QR codes. Download the app and have access to news stories, events calendar, activity feed, cafeteria menu, social media for as many clubs/organizations as you choose, district calendar, announcements, and more! Please click on the link provided below to access the QR codes for the MHS Custom Mobile App.